Saturday 7 December 2013

Celebrating the Melbourne Cup

For a bit fun we got dressed up for the Melbourne Cup. We all enjoyed the dressing up for the day.

Well Done Year 5 and 6 Top Maths Students

This group of students made the top 30% in New Zealand and the Pacific. A great result!!

Friday 25 October 2013

Group Day

On Thursday 24 October we had group day at the Te Kauwhata domain. This involved the locals schools who had calf club days over the previous week.
Parents supporting the children

Ben and Molly getting the ribbons

Lambs getting ready to enter

Ruby, Molly and Sam win 3 in a row at Group Day

Calf Club for the Room 1 Students

On Friday 18 of October we had our school calf club. We were lucky as the weather was good and we had a great turn out of parents, friends and grandparents supporting the day.
Danielle, Brianna and Kimberly taking ribbons

Molly and Briar with their calves

Judging is on

Poppy relaxing with her calf

Some of the winners on the day

Jacob, Cooper and Delvin enjoying some goat time

Nick, Ewen and Kian with their lambs

Monday 14 October 2013

Term4 is here

Welcome back to the last term for 2013. In terms 1 and 4 we have sunhats we have to wear while outdoors. Homework and spelling is handed out on a Monday to be in by the end of the week. The term is going to be a busy one again with calf club, group day, book fair, flower show, athletics and life education visiting for 2 days.

Our Speech Champions

Georgia and Kimberly went to the Hauraki regional speech competition. They both put on a great performance in the Year 5 an 6 group with Kimberly taking second place. Well done to both of you.

We had the Ranfurly shield here.

Mr Hickey (Poss) bought the Ranfurly shield that Counties won and to talk to us about it and let us share the experience.
Us and the shield. Can you see Mr Hickey?

House Construction

After completing our bridge project we worked in pairs constructing a house. We had to have a roof that could open, at least 2 bedrooms and basic items you would find in a house. The top houses were made by Nganehu, Kimberly, Georgia and Emily.
Emma cutting up her pieces

Georgia and Emily showing their house so far

Molly putting her house together

Briar and Lucy constructing

Andrew using the glue gun

Nick showing his 2 stories 

Nganehu with a split roof

Monday 23 September 2013

Term 3 ICT

This term for ICT we have been designing houses as part of the Bubbledome programme.
Part of the brief was to design a futuristic home for a family and their robot.
Each house had to have a home cinema, 4 bedrooms with a plasma tv in each room, and a room for the robot.

Monday 16 September 2013

Working with Wool in Room1

Over the term we have been using and studying about wool. As you can see below we have been developing our our skills with wool in our art programme.

Construction of Bridges in Room1

For this term Room 1 has been looking at different types of structures and then had to build a bridge. It would be tested for car ease of getting on and off, strength and then the students had to explain about the key features of their bridge. Below are the students showing off their bridges.

On the right Emma, Leah and Rhiana with the winning bridge.

Waerenga School Gymnastics For Room 1

The students have been involved in gymnastics over the term leading to a day for the girls to compete then a day for the boys. They all enjoyed learning the skills that Mrs Howells set up. Mr Thomas was the judge for the 2 days. Below are Rooms 1 students who took part.

Our champions,1st boys Ewen, 2nd Cree, 3rd Nick. 1st Girls Leah, 2nd Rhiana, 3rd Kimberly