Wednesday 29 January 2014

Welcome everyone to 2014 !

As we build on our learning through the year, we will be sharing our experiences in Room 1 on our blog. This first term our school locus is water. Room1 will being doing PAT's, spelling and written language testing over the first 2 weeks to assess where each of us is at, so to plan the next steps in learning.
Once spelling levels are set they will have words to learn every Monday and tested on these every third Friday.
There is also a worksheet that covers basic facts, language and on the back a general knowledge quiz for them to have a go at, which you can help them with.This sheet is handed out each Monday and should be handed in on Friday or the latest, first thing Monday morning. We will start this in week 3 due to first 2 weeks being 3 days and testing.
They will have assess to mathletics and reading eggs (reading program) through their passwords at home if you have the internet. Let the year be a good one!