Tuesday 24 February 2015

Welcome Back!!

Welcome back to 2015. We have had a busy start to the term, and looking at the Term planner, it is only going to get busier!!

Our class has their own website. This is where Mrs Hickey puts up information about what we are doing and there will be examples of the work we are doing over time as well. Click the link to have a look at the site:


Just remember that it is a work in progress and will be added to regularly!!

The Bi-fun-athon was a hit last week, with fantastic weather and great support from parents. We had a great day at the Senior Swimming Sports yesterday, all the participants swam really well and it was awesome to see the students supporting and cheering each other on.

Hope to see a few of you at our 'Hairy Day' next Wednesday, we have lots of fun things planned.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Term 1- Year 5 in Room 3, 2015

Term 1 is underway in Room 3. Our class is made up of Year 5 students and Mrs Howells is our teacher in the mornings. Three times a week we have handwriting and than we get on with our spelling. Our spelling levels are set and we all have 10 words to learn every Monday and we will be tested on these every third Friday. For reading the task is to read a book and than write a book report which includes an opinion on the story. In writing we are using descriptive words to give our work more impact.

There is also a homework worksheet that covers basic facts, language and a general knowledge quiz. This is handed out every Monday and is to be handed in by Friday.