Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Term 2 Underway and Zebong

This term for language we are studying narrative writing and have got Zebong the storyteller coming to the school to share his stories to us. These are always entertaining as students are involved in acting out his tales. Our theme( LOCUS) for the term is cultures across the school. At present we are looking at the North American Indian and will look at several over continents and investigate their similarities and what makes them different. We are setting challenges in Mathletics and Reading Eggs for the students to achieve. Do not forget homework and spelling words go out each Monday for the week and there is a levels test each third Friday. We will also be doing speeches this term so this will be another interactive and challenging term for us the learners.
Georgia and Nganehu on stage

Ewen and Brianna playing their characters

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Wheels Day

On the last day of term 2 we have a wheels day which everyone looks forward too. The PTA also put on a BBQ and drinks
Blake bring chased by Cooper
Molly,Alyssa, Emily and Danielle taking a break
Poppy and Leah racing

Rhiana, Lucy and Kimberly enjoying the day

The Fishing Trip

Towards the end of term 1 Some students from each of the classrooms were lucky enough to go on a fishing trip with blue light police group. They had a great day as can be seen by their catch. Thanks to Mr Skudder for giving us the opportunity.
Getting ready for the trip

Standing proud in front of their haul.

Hip Hop

Every Friday we have been lucky to be learning Hip Hop with Mrs Hill
Making the moves
Getting direction