Thursday, 18 December 2014

Another busy term

Room 1 went digital this term with all students having a lap top. Their planning and goals were set so they could refer to them as they were learning. Students enjoyed the ability to share their ideas and work at anytime or place.
A group happy in their work

We had a performing arts group visit us and they are great. Everyone enjoyed their  show which included the involvement of students,teachers and parents.

The Room1 students did great in the English and Maths ICAS exams with 3/4 getting awards for achievement.

And lastly our concert and prize giving. The show this year was At the Movies.
There was a fantastic turnout and the students putted on a great show.
Well done to all the prize winners pictured below.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Calf Club

We were lucky to have a fine day and a great turn out of pets, with just over 70.
A big thank you to the PTA for organising the day and the support of the community for the event.
Well done to all the students who put in the effort with their pets.
Hanging out with the lambs
Umm that 1 looks good
Don't you just love them!!
Boys ready for action.
Then the waiting.

Term 4 is Off

Once spelling levels are set they will have words to learn every Monday and tested on these every third Friday.
Spelling words are on the students dashboard in spelling which they and you can access at home.
There is also a homework worksheet that covers basic facts, language and on the back a general knowledge quiz for them to have a go at, which you can help them with.This sheet is handed out each Monday and should be handed in on Friday or the latest, first thing Monday morning.
They will have assess to mathletics and reading eggs (reading program) at home if you have the internet.
The students have a dashboard on line which get you access to see their work through google. Room1 is now working as a digital classroom.

We have many things on like Calf Club, Jump Rope, Flower Shop, Book Fair and Athletics to
mention a few.
Students busy on their individual computers

Producing some music

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Room 1 Computer programs

Room 1 students have been designing their own web page which involves a number of computer skills.
With the remodel of Room 1 in the term break, each student will  have assess to their own computer to work with. We are setting up google docs at present so the students will be working in their groups but will be able to share their work with other students, teachers and you the parents.
Sharing their programming ideas

You can see they are happy in their work!

Kids For Kids Show

Well done to all the students who took part in the Kids for Kids show. It was enjoyed by all as you can see by the photos.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

What up in Room 1

At present we are working in the area of algebra in maths. We have been working on rules and equations, which will lead into coordinates and graphs.

In unit we have just finished the Commonwealth Games and are now looking into New Zealand history and will look at our electoral process closer to the election.

We are all singing our kids for kids songs as part our music programme and the students are looking forward to garageband next term. This is a program where they compose music.

In their ICT periods with Mrs Michels they are working on their basic programming to develop their own website.

The Cross Country

Well done to all the students for putting in a great effort at the schools cross country.
We have 20 students going to represent our school at the Hauraki Inter-school cross country next Monday the 18 August. We wish them all the best.
Year 6 boys are ready to go

Year 6 girls a the start
10 year old boys
9 year old boys are ready
Some of the parents watching the racing
Nick winning the year 6 boys race
Emma just holding off Rhiana in the year 6 girls race
Brendon winning 10 year old boys

Cael taking out the 9 year boys

Ania winning the 9 year old girls

Friday, 8 August 2014

Room 1 Gymnastics

20 students from room 1, competed in the Thames Valley Gym Sport Festival. All the students did really well with 9 students qualifying for the Waikato Regionals taking place on 27th September.
All the students performed well and showed great team spirit which was recognised by winning the School Spirit award for the day.
Congratulations to everyone who competed and best of luck to for the finals.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Getting ready for Cross Country and the Kids for Kids.

We have been training most days for the school cross country which is on the Friday 8 of August at the school.
From this we will be selecting a team to represent us at the Hauraki inter school event on Monday 18 August.

Also we have been singing in our classes for the Kids for Kids programme and as a school every Thursday afternoon. We have 2 students who are going to have a go at being soloists. They are Georgia and Nganehu from Room1.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Term 3 Begins

Once spelling levels are set they will have words to learn every Monday and tested on these every third Friday.
There is also a homework worksheet that covers basic facts, language and on the back a general knowledge quiz for them to have a go at, which you can help them with.This sheet is handed out each Monday and should be handed in on Friday or the latest, first thing Monday morning.
They will have assess to mathletics and reading eggs (reading program) at home if you have the internet.

This term will be starting with a study on the Commonwealth Games and the countries taking part.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Great Night of Speeches

On the 1st of July we had our school speech finals. There was another good turnout and the students made it in to a fantastic evening. Well done to the winners in Room 1, Ania won the Year 5 and Nganehu won the Year 6 section.
All our great speakers.

The winners for years 3,4,5 and 6

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Mid Winter Splash

Those who were keen enough to hit the water, well done. They were not in there very long and got into warm clothing quickly!!
Here we go!!

We are out of here!!

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Room ones Camp to the Bay of Plenty

From Wednesday 11 of June to 13 June Friday Room 1 travelled to Waihi then onto Papamoa and Tauranga. Even though it rained on the Wednesday and Thursday off and on a great time was had by all. We visited a number of places The Waihi Gold Museum, the Martha mine then onto our camp site at the Pacific Camp in Papmoa. On the Thursday we sent the morning at the Classic Flyers, then on to the Salt Pools at the Mount, which of cause were hot! On the Friday we cleaned up then travelled back to Waihi to the Newmont Education Centre were we learnt about mining and gold. A big thanks to the parents who came on the trip and helped out. 

At Waihi Museum

In the mine in the museum

Quiz time testing their knowledge

By the Martha mine

Hot pool at camp

Solving problems and puzzles

Playing games before lights out
Food and planning

The lonely watchman
Enjoying the camp
Last card is on!!

Making his move
Looking at an airport in operation

Looking through the Classic Flyers museum
What a great place

The hot pools were great!!

Watching the explosion at the Martha mine

Got all our safety gear on

The presenters!!

Mr Quilty and Mr Jefferies showing us their dance moves

Panning for gold
Solving gold problems

The boys plus their children are at it again

Lunch and home!!