Sunday, 30 March 2014

Waerenga Schools Bifunathon

Each year we have our bifunathon which involves all the school. Room1 start with a swim then a run down the road to the rec centre, were they get onto their bikes down Goodin Road and back to school. Thanks to the PTA for providing a juice at the end on such a hot day.
Getting ready for the swim

In pool and ready

On their way on the run

The boys doing their lengths

On their bikes on the way back to school

Interschool Swimming

Well done to the Room 1 students who represented Waerenga School at the Huaraki Swimming sports.
Especially Nick and Georgia who made the Huaraki team for the regional team
Lucy on her way

The school team

Monday, 10 March 2014

Sunday, 2 March 2014

The year is well underway

Well, the gardens are getting cleaned up and Fred's doing a great job teaching our students to swim.
We are busy working with number in maths and making sure we are on task in mathletics by setting points goals per session. The class is looking at healthy bodies and our foods to be healthy.
In unit we have been looking at water in relation to weather and how it affects us.