Sunday, 26 October 2014

Calf Club

We were lucky to have a fine day and a great turn out of pets, with just over 70.
A big thank you to the PTA for organising the day and the support of the community for the event.
Well done to all the students who put in the effort with their pets.
Hanging out with the lambs
Umm that 1 looks good
Don't you just love them!!
Boys ready for action.
Then the waiting.

Term 4 is Off

Once spelling levels are set they will have words to learn every Monday and tested on these every third Friday.
Spelling words are on the students dashboard in spelling which they and you can access at home.
There is also a homework worksheet that covers basic facts, language and on the back a general knowledge quiz for them to have a go at, which you can help them with.This sheet is handed out each Monday and should be handed in on Friday or the latest, first thing Monday morning.
They will have assess to mathletics and reading eggs (reading program) at home if you have the internet.
The students have a dashboard on line which get you access to see their work through google. Room1 is now working as a digital classroom.

We have many things on like Calf Club, Jump Rope, Flower Shop, Book Fair and Athletics to
mention a few.
Students busy on their individual computers

Producing some music