Thursday 25 October 2012

Great Maths Results in ICAS Exam

Well done to all the students in Room 1, with 76% of the class in the top 30% of New Zealand.
This on top of the super results from the English exam. Keep up the effort!

Credit Top 30% NZ -  Kyle Brown, Liam Brown, Poppy Feehan-Kosijer, Anastasia Ratu, Kimberly Wallace, Ewen Wright, Samantha Carter, Samantha Harvey, Finley O’Callaghan & Campbell Trousdale.
Distinction Top 10% NZ- Blake Murdoch, Matthew Cheyne, Sally Barrier, Ella Cooper-Levin, Lily Feehan-Kosijer, Rachel Goodin, Matthew Quilty, Kian Hill, Kathryn Laing & Luke Shand.
High Distinction Top 1% NZ Andrew Liang, Adam Jefferis & Quinten Mellish.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Excellent English Result

Well done to the students below for being in the top 10% or 30% of New Zealand. 

Well done Room 1
Backrow: Andrew, Kian, Kyle, Blake, Matthew, Kimberly, Danielle
Frontrow: Lily, Kathryn, Sally, Rachel, Ella

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Term 4 Learning

We have a very busy term with athletics, flower show, book fair, badminton and our school concert. Our LOCUS for the term is make and create and our language focus is poetry. For make and create we are looking at making a movie in our groups and designing and producing a front page for a newspaper. We are at the moment trialling Reading Express online with the rest of the school and we are enjoying it. Don't forget homework goes out Monday and should be back by Friday, Monday morning by the latest! It going to be a GREAT term!
Matthew and Adam typing up their language

Mrs Michels working with Alana on her newspaper

Room1 doing their running skills

Ella doing the big leap as Room 1 practices their long jump skills