Thursday 25 October 2012

Great Maths Results in ICAS Exam

Well done to all the students in Room 1, with 76% of the class in the top 30% of New Zealand.
This on top of the super results from the English exam. Keep up the effort!

Credit Top 30% NZ -  Kyle Brown, Liam Brown, Poppy Feehan-Kosijer, Anastasia Ratu, Kimberly Wallace, Ewen Wright, Samantha Carter, Samantha Harvey, Finley O’Callaghan & Campbell Trousdale.
Distinction Top 10% NZ- Blake Murdoch, Matthew Cheyne, Sally Barrier, Ella Cooper-Levin, Lily Feehan-Kosijer, Rachel Goodin, Matthew Quilty, Kian Hill, Kathryn Laing & Luke Shand.
High Distinction Top 1% NZ Andrew Liang, Adam Jefferis & Quinten Mellish.

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