Monday 6 April 2015

End of Term 1 for Room 3

We have reached the end of Term 1 with Room 3 students surprising their teacher with a shared lunch on the last day. It was a nice way to celebrate a hard working term which included swimming sports, bifunathon, a Crazy Hair Day, Mr X-Man and Student Led Conferences. Congratulations goes to Sammy J who received the certificate for the most Reliable person in Room 3. Also congratulations to Kassidy Marriner and Yara Smith who both received certificates for mathletics.

We will begin Term 2 with studying the lives of soldiers during WW1. We have read some interesting stories [ written for children] and will do some more research on what life was like in the trenches and why we have ANZAC day. Our findings will be written up as a Report and displayed in the classroom.

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