Sunday 5 July 2015

End of Term 2

Room 3 enjoying the Bumperballs as the celebration for the end of the Term 2.

Term 2 has flown past in Room 3. We have been busy writing poems and designing flags that represent what we think is special to New Zealand. Many of the flags show mountains, the Ocean, native plants and animals and the koru.

Congratulations to all those students who went up levels in spelling this term, especially in the last level test when half the class went up to the next level. Congratulations also to Sammy, Kate and Kassidy who won the Tables Challenge. It was a great effort to get 100% from 100. Yara just missed out with 99% {just 1 wrong}.

It has been a sad and a happy week for me as I have really enjoyed teaching this class. I appreciate the many cards and the shared morning tea that the class put on for me. Room 3 can certainly keep a secret. One of the things that I will miss the most is the discussions we had over Current Events. It was good to see everybody confident in expressing their own opinion but prepared to listen and think about what others had to say.

Keep working hard and make the right choices in the classroom and in the playground and I will follow your progress with interest.

Monday 1 June 2015

Trip to Lake Karapiro

Wow! We are half-way through term 2. Room 3 has been very busy including a school trip to Lake Karapiro and a fun, mud run at Mrs Trousdale's farm.
Here is an account of our visit to Cambridge written by Jack Pallister.

"Ring, ring ,ring!"
"OK, everybody on the bus!"
"Vroom, Vroom"
"This is going to be a long ride."
When we got to the trenches, "You may now hop off the bus and have some lunch"
We chucked our bags into a corner and sat down to have some lunch. I was busting to go to the toilet. Just in time, Mrs Rosendaal said," All senior boys can go to the toilet." As quick as light ,I raced down to the toilet; I heard the same said to the girls. There goes the whistle. I went up the stairs." Now the fun begins," I thought.
All Seniors, go down the stairs to Sport Waikato".
First, we had to run around to get into groups. There was about 8 in a group. The fist game was hula-hoop, we had to get it around a circle without dropping it. Then we had to make shapes with a giant rubber band. We had a lot more games and finally we went to the trenches. It was awesome. There was a big cannon and a small one. The soldier told us some facts- some sad and some good. Finally we hopped back on the bus but it felt longer going back to school.

Monday 27 April 2015

ANZAC in Room 3

For the beginning of Term 2, Room 3 has made a display of Anzac information and memorabilia around the classroom. From researching information in books, computers and from watching television we are writing a report on things we have learnt about the Great War.

Here is a photo of Yara and Sammy reading a report of "Why We Have Anzac Day "to the School.

Friday 20 March 2015

Room 3 has had a very busy 2 weeks with many things happening including Mr. X-Man who talked to all the classes about recycling. He has a great rapport with the students who are fascinated with his clothes and footwear which are made from recycled materials. We have begun preparations for the garden and have some very enthusiastic gardeners. We have planted some freesia bulbs which will be kept in the tunnel house until they are ready to go home.We would appreciate any imput [help, advice or ideas] from parents in maintaining the garden throughout the year.

On Friday we had our 3 weekly spelling test and congratulations to Sammy and Yara who went up to the next level. Also congratulations to Kassidy for getting the most points in mathletics and to Yara who was the runner-up.

To celebrate St Patrick's Day we made an effort to wear something green and some students even brought green food to eat. We all had a bit of fun. The days are going past very quickly with only 2 weeks of the term left.

Saturday 7 March 2015

Crazy Hair Day

We have got a new look in our classroom with 6 boys getting their hair shaved to raise money for Child Cancer. Here is what Shaun Erikson-Keith had to say-

On Wednesday 4th of March we had a Crazy Hair Day. At first we had a normal morning and than it began. We had a parade so that everyone could see what class had the best hair-styles. We were fund-raising for Child Cancer. At 11.50 we went out to have lunch. I bought a cookie, coke and a sausage. Than a group of us had a shop where we provided hair gel, colour and spray for those who gave us a donation. Yara, Kate, Isaac, Brooke, Skyla and Ania all helped me. At 1.oo we went under the shed to get our hair shaved off. After this the fire-engine sprayed foam onto the field for us to play in. It was a great day.

Room 3 - Swimming Sports and Crazy Hair Day

Room 3 has had a very busy 2 weeks with Swimming Sports and a Crazy Hair day to raise money for Child Cancer. It was great to see a good turnout of parents at these events.

Here is what Sammy Jefferis had to say about the Swimming Sports at Te Kauwhata College.-

As soon as I arrived at the 50x20m. swimming pool I felt nervous. I was the fist Waerenga Student to walk through the gate but it was embarrassing because almost everyone was staring at me including all the T.K. kids. I felt like a star that day because I was in the Grand Relay for the Year 5's. I think I swam the fastest I've ever swam. I swam in 7 events and came first in 3 of them. It was a fun-packed day with Mum and my friends. I even met some of my team mates from my Rugby team. The Swimming Sports were a lot of fun.

Congratulations to Sammy and Kate Wallace who represented the School at Ngatea and have now got into the Hauraki Plains team.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Hairy Day

What an amazing day!! It was fantastic to see everyone out and about supporting such a worthy cause. We had seven amazing students Amaru Rihia-Tipene, Matthew Johns, Devlin Kearney, Mitchell Pincham, Kane Raynel, Brendon Jenkins and Jordan Jefferis who shaved their heads to raise money for the Child Cancer Society. We are still waiting for the grand total on what has been raised, but whatever it ends up being, it was a very fun and enjoyable day.

Today the students have had a choice to write either a newspaper report about Hairy Day or they can chose a photo from the many amazing shots taken and write a 'Moment in Time'. They have only just started, but there has been some very descriptive examples all ready - watch this space!! A favourite seems to have been enjoying the foam.

Thank you for all your support and help to make the day such a success.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Welcome Back!!

Welcome back to 2015. We have had a busy start to the term, and looking at the Term planner, it is only going to get busier!!

Our class has their own website. This is where Mrs Hickey puts up information about what we are doing and there will be examples of the work we are doing over time as well. Click the link to have a look at the site:

Just remember that it is a work in progress and will be added to regularly!!

The Bi-fun-athon was a hit last week, with fantastic weather and great support from parents. We had a great day at the Senior Swimming Sports yesterday, all the participants swam really well and it was awesome to see the students supporting and cheering each other on.

Hope to see a few of you at our 'Hairy Day' next Wednesday, we have lots of fun things planned.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Term 1- Year 5 in Room 3, 2015

Term 1 is underway in Room 3. Our class is made up of Year 5 students and Mrs Howells is our teacher in the mornings. Three times a week we have handwriting and than we get on with our spelling. Our spelling levels are set and we all have 10 words to learn every Monday and we will be tested on these every third Friday. For reading the task is to read a book and than write a book report which includes an opinion on the story. In writing we are using descriptive words to give our work more impact.

There is also a homework worksheet that covers basic facts, language and a general knowledge quiz. This is handed out every Monday and is to be handed in by Friday.